TM 5-6675-325-14
Enlargement/Reduction System.
Varies the copy image size and maintains
of lens.
It consists of:
Lens Assembly
Lens Carriage
Magnification Drive Motor
Lens assembly.
Collects, focuses, and projects the copy image onto the
view screen.
b. Lens carriage.
Contains the lens assembly.
Through vertical movement, the
lens carriage varies the projected image size while maintaining the focus.
c. Magnification drive motor.
Applies rotary motion to two vertical screws.
Two idler nuts on the screws convert the rotary motion to vertical linear motion.
The nuts are connected to levers that move the lens carriage and copy easel up or
down l
4-3.2 Rectification System.
Corrects oblique copy image up to 10 degrees from
Copy Easel
X-Axis Tilt Motor
Y-Axis Tilt Motor
Copy easel.
Provides a support surface for copy material. The easel will
pivot in X-direction (right-left) or Y-direction (front-rear).
b. X-Axis tilt motor.
Is located under the copy easel and provides power to
tilt copy easel along its X-axis (right-left).
A control panel switch controls the
motor, and two microswitches limit the pivot angle to ±1O degrees.
Y-Axis tilt motor.
Is located under the copy easel and provides power to
tilt copy easel along its Y-axis (front-rear). A control panel switch controls the
motor, and two microswitches limit the pivot angle to ±1O degrees.
Lighting System.
Provides illumination for the copy material on the
copy easel.
It consists of:
Front Lights
Back Lights
Front lights.
Provide surface illumination for opaque copy material. They
are located above the copy easel.
b. Back lights.
Provide illumination to the rear of translucent or trans-
parent copy material.
They are located under the copy easel.