TM 5-6675-324-14
(a) 24 V dc regulated supply.Is used to drive the unit bias supply,
clutches, solenoids, counters, and photo-interrupters. Circuit breaker CB502 will
open if the current exceeds 3.15 amps. If LED 502 is on, it is functioning pro-
(b) 24 V dc (U24) unregulated power supply. Is used to drive corona high-
voltage transformers. The supply is protected by circuit breaker CB501, which opens
if the current exceeds 3.15 amps. If LED501 is on, it is functioning correctly.
(c) 10 V dc regulated supply. Is used only in the microcomputer. The
supply uses the regulated 24 V dc supply and converts it to 10 V dc. If the circuit
is functioning properly, LED201 and LED202 will be on, indicating that the 10 V dc
and 24 V dc supplies are functioning properly.