TM 5-6675-322-14
To prevent damage to mirrors, do not overtighten screws.
Loosen setscrew and tighten clamp screw an equal amount. Observe
l i n e .
If improvement is noted, continue loosening setscrew and
t i g h t e n i n g c l a m p s c r e w u n t i l e r r o r i s r e m o v e d . I f c o n d i t i o n i s
worse, loosen clamp screw and tighten setscrew.
If improvement is
noted, continue adjustment until error is removed.
If no improve-
ment is noted, return setscrew and clamp screw to original posi-
t i o n s .
When improvement stops, retain last setting.
f. Loosen or tighten setscrew and clamp screw equal amounts until
error is removed in other mirror.
g .
Tighten screws firmly and recheck adjustment.