TM 5-6675-321-14
2-6.1 Assembly and Preparation for Use.
Clean work surface.
Plug power cord into electrical receptacle.
c .
Turn power switch on for light table use.
2-6.2 Operating Procedures.
a .
Changing Work Surface.
Safety stops have been included to prevent overtravel of table top and
damage to electrical wiring.
I f d r a f t i n g s u r f a c e i s i n t o p p o s i t i o n,
swing front edge of table top down to change work surface.
I f l i g h t
t a b l e i s i n t o p p o s i t i o n,
swing front edge up to change work surface.
Table cannot be rotated until cabinet assembly is swung out.
(1) pull cabinet assembly lock release ring and swing out cabinet assembly.
( 2 ) L o o s e n t i l t l o c k u n t i l i t c l e a r s t a b l e t o p a s s e m b l y.
( 3 ) T i g h t e n t i l t l o c k t o s e c u r e t a b l e t o p a s s e m b l y i n p o s i t i o n.
(4) Return cabinet assembly
( 5 ) P r e s s f i r m l y o n c a b i n et
c l i c k s .
2-6.3 Preparation for Movement.
a . T u r n o f f p o w e r.
to its normal position under table top assembly .
assembly front until cabinet assembly lock
Unplug power cord.
Coil power cord and tape to table.
Rotate table top assembly, if necessary, to be sure glass surface faces
Tighten tilt lock to secure table top assembly.
e .
Press firmly on cabinet assembly front until cabinet assembly lock clicks.
f .
Check cabinet drawers
and secure all loose items.
Lock cabinet drawers.
for open containers and loose items. Seal containers
2-7. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS. This equipment is designed for
operation only in a controlled environment.