TM 5-6675-320-14
c .
Remove knurled screws from locking brackets on each side of front. Then
remove locking brackets.
Serious personal injury may occur if an inadequate number of personnel
are used to move the map and plan filing cabinet.
d. Lift top and bottom sections free from base.
e .
Unscrew base from floor . Retain screws for reuse.
f. Install new base, top or bottom, map and plan filing cabinet, or drawing
board as required.
Screw base to floor through inside mounting brackets.
h. Pop rivet bottom section to base through braces.
i .
Pop rivet top section to bottom section through braces.
j .
Screw portable drawing board to top.
k . P o p r i v e t t o p t o t o p s e c t i o n .
l .
Reinstall locking brackets, and secure with knurled screws.
R e m o v e / I n s t a l l F i l i n g C a b i n e t.
83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
TOOLS: Flat Tip Screwdriver
1 / 2 i n . S o c k e t , 1 / 2 i n . D r i ve
1/2 in. Drive Ratchet
F i l i n g C a b i n et
Remove drawers from cabinet.
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