TM 5-6675-320-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement, Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
l bl
- Cont
Value assigned to X will be lettered in current number format
( f i x e d o r f l o a t ).
Value resulting from expression X+1 is
lettered next, followed by value resulting from expression
Digits in these expressions are lettered as string of
c h a r a c t e r s.
This requires you to add any spaces needed to fit
numbers into context of item being lettered.
For example, the following statement letters same expressions
as example above, with four spaces between each value.
lbl X,
, X+1,
The following example letters characters contained in string
variable A$.
(String variable ROM is required.)
lbl A$
Before using label statement, pen should be moved to location
where labeling is to begin by using one of plot statements
(cplt, iplt, or plt) o r b y u s i n g f o u r d i r e c t i o n c o n t r o l s on
p l o t t e r f r o n t p a n e l .
This point will become lower left corner
o f f i r s t c h a r a c t e r .
A f t e r l e t t e r i n g c h a r a c t e r , p e n s t o p s at
lower left corner of next character space.
c s iz
CHARACTER SIZE. Specifies size and shape of characters and
symbols and direction they are to be lettered.
c s i z [ h e i g h t [ , a s p e c t r a t i o [ , p a p e r r a t i o [ , a n g l e o f
r o t a t i o n ] ] ] ]
Statement can specify up to four parameters. If any of para-
meters are omitted, specific default value for parameter is
Note that when parameter is omitted, parameter
listed immediately to its right must be omitted as well.
Here is description of each of four parameters:
Height parameter specifies height of characters as percent of
scale height defined by scaling points P1 and P2. Must be
within range of 0 thru 127.9994999.