TM 5-6675-320-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement, Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
p l t
PLOT. Draws line by moving pen to point or points specified
by X- and Y-coordinate parameters in statement.
plt X
C o o r d i n a t e
YC o o r d i n a t e [ P e n C o n t r o l ]
Optional pen control causes pen to raise or lower before or
after moving.
I f p o i n t s p e c i f i e d b y p l o t s t a t e m e n t l i e s o f f p l a t e n s u r -
face, line is drawn to platen limit and then pen is raised.
Pen remains raised until point on platen is specified.
Optional pen control parameter can be any integer in range
- 32768 thru 32767.
Odd, positive integer = Pen lifts before moving.
Odd, negative integer = Pen lifts after moving.
Even, positive integer = Pen lowers before moving.
Even, negative integer = Pen lowers after moving.
= No change.
No Parameters = Pen remains in its present position, moves
to point specified, and lowers or remains
I f p o i n t l i e s o f f p l a t e n b u t i s w i t h i n n e a r b y a r e a ( a s
shown), OUT OF LIMIT lamp will turn on.
I f p o i n t l i e s i n
faraway area, OUT OF LIMIT lamp will blink.