TM 5-6675-320-14
PMCS Procedures.
a. PMCS are designed to keep the equipment in good working condition by performing periodic service
b. Service intervals provide you, the operator, with time schedules that determine when to perform specified
service tasks.
c. The Equipment is Not Ready/Available If column is used for identification of conditions that make the
equipment not ready/available for readiness reporting purposes or denies use of the equipment until corrective
maintenance is performed.
d. If your equipment fails to operate after PMCS is performed, immediately report this condition to your
e. Perform weekly as well as before operation if you are the assigned operator and have not operated the
item since the last weekly or if you are operating the item for the first time.
f. Item number column. Item numbers are assigned in chronological ascending sequence regardless of
interval designation. These numbers are used for your TM Number Column on DA Form 2404, Equipment
Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet in recording results of PMCS.
g. Interval columns. This column determines the time period designated to perform your PMCS.
h. Item to be inspected and procedures column. This column lists functional groups and their respective
assemblies and subassemblies as shown in the Maintenance Allocation Chart (Appendix B). The appropriate
check or service procedure follows the specific item to be inspected.
i. Equipment is not ready/available if: column. This column indicates the reason or cause why your
equipment is not ready/available to perform its primary mission.
j. List of tools and materials required for PMCS is as follows:
Cheesecloth (Item 36, Appendix E)
Lens Cleaner (Item 3A, Appendix E)
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