TM 5-6675-319-14
9 - 2 0 . 2 3 Adjust Variable Dodging Circuits.
MOS: 35E, Special Electronic Devices Repairer
TOOLS: Multimeter
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Extender Board
SUPPLIES: Rubber Matting
Death or serious injury may occur from electrical shock unless power is
t u r n e d o f f b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g.
You must stand on rubber matting as a protective measure before
performing this procedure. Death or serious injury may occur.
Never have printer hood down with power on and normal room lights on.
T h i s c o n d i t i o n w i l l d a m a g e P M T .
Raise printer hood.
b. Set MODE switch to TEST.
c .
Turn on circuit breaker.
Turn on MASTER POWER switch and allow printer to warm up for 10 minutes.
If printer was in power-on condition prior to this test, 10 minute warm-up
period may be eliminated.
e .
f .
g .
i .
j .
Turn off MASTER POWER switch.
T u r n o f f c i r c u i t b r e a k e r .
Remove PMT (paragraph 9-20.20).
Set % DODGING control to max.
Open operators console.
Tag and remove all circuit cards from their slots .
Insert extender board into card VDSF-2 (bottom) slot of circuit card