C o n t r o l o r I n d i c a t or
Focus Calibration Adjust
P r o v i d e s s e t t i n g f or
minimum safe spot size.
F a c t o r y - s e t.
Accelerator Anode Calibration
Eliminates CRT grid
emission when CRT is
Focus Control Adjust
Provides control of
e l e c t r o n i c s p o t s i ze
above a calibrated
White Light
P r o v i d e s i n t e r i o r l i g h t-
ing to service o r
t r o u b l e s h o o t p r i n t e r.
Safe Light
P r o v i d e s s a f e i l l u m i-
nation for handling posi-
tive emulsions .
a. Before You Operate. Always keep in mind the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS. Perform
your before (B) PMCS.
b. While You Operate. Always keep in mind the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS. Perform
your during (D) PMCS.
c .
After You Operate. Be sure
d . I f Y o u r E q u i p m e n t F a i l s to
Report any deficiencies using the
9-5.1 PMCS Procedures.
to perform your after (A) PMCS.
Operate. Troubleshoot with proper equipment.
proper forms.
See DA Pam 738-750.
a. PMCS are designed to keep the equipment in good working condition by
performing periodic service tasks.
b. Service intervals provide you, the operator, with time schedules that
determine when to perform specified service tasks.
The Equipment is Not Ready/Available If" column is used for identification
of conditions that make the equipment not ready/available for readiness reporting
purposes or denies use of the equipment until corrective maintenance is performed.
TM 5-6675-319-14