TM 5-6675-319-14
b . S h u t t i n g u n i t d o wn
(1) Turn off POWER and SINK switches.
Prior to disposal of developer and fixer, field users should contact
their local environmental coordinator or their local industrial hyginenist
for instructions on disposal of chemicals.
( 2 ) P l a c e c o n t a i n e r , i f r e q u i r e d ,
under drain on outside of section and
remove drain cap.
(3) Dispose of used chemicals into trough bin at rear of processing
sink and remove trays.
(4) Rinse trays and flush trough bin.
(5) Remove drain plug and drain sink.
( 6 ) R e i n s t a l l o u t s i d e d r a i n c a p .
3-6.2 Preparation for Movement.
Drain storage tank as follows:
(1) Turn off storage tank heater switch.
(2) Remove storage tank drain cap from drain connection on outside of
s e c t i o n.
(3) Open storage tank drain valve and drain tank .
(4) After storage tank is drained, open spigot for sink and drain hose into
sink trough bin .
b . D r a i n s i n k a s f o l l o w s:
(1) Turn off POWER, SINK, and CABINET switches.
(2) Secure any loose items that have been stored in refrigeration cabinet.
(3) Remove sink and trough bin drain plugs.
(4) Open drain valve for heat exchanger .