TM 5-6675-319-14
g .
Item number column. Item
sequence regardless of interval
Number column on DA Form 2404,
recording results of PMCS.
numbers are assigned in chronological ascending
designation. These numbers are used for your TM
Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet in
Interval columns. This column determines the time period designated to per-
form your PMCS.
i .
Item to be inspected and procedures column. This column lists functional
groups and their respective assemblies and subassemblies as shown in the-M a i n t e -
nance Allocation Chart (Appendix B). The appropriate check or service procedure
follows the specific item to be inspected.
j .
Equipment is Not Ready/Available If: column. This column indicates the reason
or cause why your equipment is not ready/available to perform its primary mission.
k. List of tools and materials required for PMCS is as follows:
I t e m
Q u a n t i t y
Sponge (Item 32, Appendix E)
a r
Flat Tip Screwdriver
2 ea
Cross Tip Screwdriver
1 ea
Hose Clamp Pliers
1 ea
10 in. Adjustable Wrench
1 ea
9/16 in. Combination Wrench
1 ea
P l a s t i c P a il
1 ea
Cheesecloth (Item 7, Appendix E)
a r
Glass Cleaner (Item 14, Appendix E)
a r
Plastic Tubing, 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) I.D.
2 ea
Graduated Cylinders
2 ea