TM 5-6675-318-14
Control or Indicator
S c a l i n g Point Control Push Buttons
P r e s s i n g either moves pen
to corresponding physical
p o i n t , P1 or P2, on pla-
t e n . When the plotter is
initialized, it sets PI
at lower left corner and
P 2 at upper right corner
of platen.
E N T E R , P1, or P2 relo-
cates that scaling point
to current pen location.
ENTER Push Button
Multi-purpose button with
1 amp:
Pushed before CHART HOLD,
it initializes plotter.
(lamp blinks.)
P u s h e d before P1 or
P 2 , it sets new
scaling points.
(lamp blinks.)
Used to enter point
in digitizing mode.
(lamp is steady.)
Used with pen select
buttons to store
pen in its stable.
P u s h i n g any of pen
c o n t r o l arrows can-
cels ENTER lamp.