Calculator uses reverse polar notation (RPN)
TM 5-6675-316-14
logic for chain calculations.
(1) If equation has parenthetical expressions, key in numbers and perform
function in first parenthesis. Key in first number, press = , key in second
number, and press function key for that operation.
(2) Key in numbers and perform function in second parenthesis. Key in first
number, press
key in second number, then press function key for that
(3) Press function key for operation indicated between parentheses.
To calculate (3 x 4) x (5 + 6), press
(1) Key in
(2) Press
with powers of 10.
number being multipl ied by power of 10.
Press ~ if number is
(3) Key in
(4) Press
(5) Press
Example: To
exponent (power) of 10. Press @Il if exponent is negative.
and key in exponent.
multiply 15.6 x 1012 by 25 press
answer is 3.9000 x 1014.
Storage (memory) register arithmetic.
This procedure performs two-number arithmetic functions on number stored
in storage register.
The displayed X-register is the second number.
(1) P r e ss
(2) Press appropriate function key
(3) Press ~ through @ or, D (11 through
q q
, indicating on which
register function will be performed.