TM 5-6675-316-14
c .
X-Y Coordinate system.
The rails for the coordinate system are arranged in a
rectangular shape.
The orthogonal coordinate values are measured and displayed by
using rotary photoelectric encoders with 1000 slots generating 4000 usable electro-
nic signals per revolution.
The signals from the encoders are 5V square waves which
are sent to the encoder circuit boards, then to the MC6800 microprocessor for
routing to the digital display for read out.
The encoders are coupled to pinions
which are engaged to precision measuring racks.
In the automatic drafting mode, the
coordinate system follows programmed information from a teletype punched tape or the
operators console via the DSP machine controller. When not in the automatic mode,
the coordinate system can be used for manual drafting and digitizing of maps or
other drawings.
d. X-Y Digital Display.
Provides a readout indicating X and Y dimensions by 7
digits per axis and sign (±).
The X and Y coordinate signals are received from the
encoders and encoder circuit boards via the MC 6800 microprocessor.