TM 5-6675-314-14
Report all discrepancies in accordance with the instructions of DA Pam 738-750.
(1) Inventorv sections against Components of End Item and Basic Issue Items
L i s t s ( A p p e n d i x C ).
(2) Inventory expendable supplies contained in
(3) Conduct operational checks on equipment in
in this manual when operators are available and power
s e c t i o n .
section as shown in Appendix E.
accordance with the chapters
can be safely provided to the
Check to see whether the equipment has been modified.
PMCS are designed to keep the equipment in good working condition by
p e r f o r m i n g c e r t a i n t e s t s ,
and services.
The intervals provide you, the
organizational technician, with time schedules that determine when to perform
s p e c i f i e d t a s k s.
b. Item number column.
Item numbers are assigned in chronological ascending
sequence regardless of interval designation.
These numbers are used for your TM
Number column on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, in
recording the results of PMCS.
Interval columns.
This column determines the time period desiccated to
perform your PMCS.
Item to be inspected and procedures column. This column lists functional
groups and their respective assemblies and subassemblies as shown in the Maintenance
Allocation Chart (Appendix B).
The appropriate check or service procedure follows
the specific item to be inspected.
Preventive maintenance checks and services for the air conditioners/heaters
are contained in TM 5-4120-367-14.
f. List of tools and materials required for PMCS is as follows:
I t em
Q u a n t i t y
Vacuum Cleaner
1 ea
8 in. Adjustable Wrench
1 ea
Cross Tip Screwdriver
1 ea
Flat Tip Screwdriver
1 ea
Spring Scale
1 ea
1 ea
F l a s h l i g ht
1 ea