TM 5-6675-313-14
8-16.7 Remove/Install Two-Door Storage Cabinet.
MOS: 83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
TOOLS: 1/4 in. Drive Socket Set
6 in. Extension, 1/4 in. Drive
11/32 in. Combination Wrench
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Cross Tip Screwdriver
SUPPLIES: Storage Cabinet
a. Remove bolts and flat washers holding cabinet to wall.
b. Remove caps and lag bolts holding mounting bracket to floor; remove defective cabinet.
c. Remove bolts, Iockwashers, nuts mounting brackets, and spacers from cabinet. Retain mounting
brackets and space,
r use on new cabinet.
d. Position spacers and mounting brackets on new cabinet and install, but do not tighten nuts,
lockwashers, and bolts.
Change 1