TM 5-6675-302-14&P
1. Head cover
2. Carrying strap
3. Screw (3)
4. Nut (3)
5. Wedge (3)
6. Pressure wedge (6)
7. Screw (3)
8. Clamp jaw (2)
9. Clamp jaw
10. Bridge
11. Central fixing screw
12. Bearing (6)
Legends for Figure 4-8
13. Leg holder (3)
14. Head plate
15. Screw (2)
16. Leather strap
17. Screw (4)
18. Rivet (4)
19. Bracket (2)
20. Screw (6)
21. Stop plate (3)
22. Stop plate (3)
23. Screw (3)
24. Washer (3)
(1) Clean all parts with cleaning solvent and
dry thoroughly. Clean the wooden parts with a soft
cloth moistened with water and dry thoroughly.
Clean the strap with saddle soap.
(2) Inspect the tripod leg housings and cover
for burs, cracks, wear, and damage. Inspect the
clamps, shoes, and battery box bracket, for cracks,
breaks, and wear.
(3) Inspect the strap and accessory case for
cuts, wear, and damaged seams. Inspect the
wooden legs for cracks, splits, wear and warping.
(4) Remove all burrs and minor scratches.
Straighten minor dents and bends. Varnish the
wooden legs if the protective coating is worn or
damaged. Paint all exposed metal surfaces.
(5) Replace all defective parts that cannot be
d. Reassembly. Refer to figure 4-7 (model
242406), or figure 4-8 (model USATS-79), and
reassemble the tripod assembly.
4-12. Plumb Bob.
a. Disassembly. Refer to figure 4-9 (model
242406), or figure 4-10 (model USATS-79) and
disassemble the plumb bob.
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
Clean parts in a well-ventilated area.
Avoid inhalation of solvent fumes and
prolonged exposure of skin to cleaning
solvent. Wash exposed skin thoroughly.
Dry cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec.
P-D-680) used to clean parts is potential-
ly dangerous to personnel and property.
25. Nut (3)
26. Tripod shoe (3)
27. Lower leg (3)
28. Screw (3)
29. Screw (6)
30. Wing screw (3)
31. Clamp plate (3)
32. Clamp band (2)
33. Clamp band
34. Wood dowel (3)
35. Wood dowel (3)
36. Pin (24)
Do not use near open flame or excessive
heat. Flash point of solvent is 100F to
138F (38C to 59 C).
(1) Clean all metal parts with cleaning solvent,
and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the bayonet tube (model 242406), or
bayonet socket and knurled nut (model USATS-79
only), and ring, slide, and plumb bob for signs of
wear, cracks, or breaks. Inspect the lugs on the
bayonet tube or bayonet socket for burrs. Inspect
the cord for wear.
(3) Remove all burrs and replace damaged or
defective parts. Use serviceable cord (model
242406), or string (model USATS-79) when
reassembling the plumb bob.
c. Reassembly. Refer to figures 4-9 or 4-10, and
reassemble the plumb bob.
4-13. Tripod Wrench (Model 242406), and Key,
Sockethead Screw (Model USATS-79). Remove
tripod wrench (model 242406), or key, sockethead
screw (model USATS-79) from tripod accessory
case. Clean wrench or key thoroughly. Inspect
wrench or key for wear, burrs, cracks or breaks.
Remove minor burrs from wrench or key. Check
the fit of the wrench or key on the tripod head
bolts. Replace wrench or key if defective or damag-
ed. Stow wrench or key in the tripod case.
4-14. Carrying Case. Check locking device, han-
dle and hinge for damaged, missing or loose parts
on model 242406. Replace damaged or missing
parts and tighten loose parts. Refer to figure 4-11
on model 242406. Replace damaged case, figure
4-12 on model USATS-79.