The lowest maintenance level au-
thorized to manufacture, assemble,
and/or install the part is indicated
by one of the following code sym-
0-Organizational Maintenance
F-Direct Support Maintenance
This column is left blank when
components of kits or sets are listed
that are not applicable to the item
of equipment, or when an item is
source coded XI.
When no code is
shown in the recoverability column
the part is considered expendable.
b. Federal Stock Number. When a Federal
stock number is available for a part, it will
be shown in this column and will be used for
requisitioning purposes.
c. Description.
The item name and a brief descrip-
tion of the part are shown.
A five-digit Federal supply cede for
manufacturers and/or other supply
service is shown in parentheses, fol-
lowed by the manufacturers part
number. This number will be used for
requisitioning purposes when no Fed-
eral stock number is indicated in the
Federal stock number column.
Example: (08645) 86453
Repair part quantities included in
kits, sets, and assemblies, that differ
from the actual quantity used in this
specific end item, are listed in paren-
When repair parts are source coded
C, the manufacturers pant number
will be used for local procurement.
Note. When a minimum stockage suffici-
ent to repair one item and/or assembly is
authorized, this quantity will be indicated
to the Description column with the notation
minimum stockage of
is authorized.
d. Unit of Issue. If no abbreviation is shown
in this column, the unit of issue is each.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. The ac-
tual number of parts used in the application
indicated is shown in this column. A zero (0)
is shown when components of kits or sets are
listed that are not applicable to this specific
end item.
f. 15-Day Organizational Maintenance Al-
lowance. Shown for each repair part is either
a quantity or asterisk allocation which indi-
cates the following:
( l)
A guide quantity factor is shown for
each repair part authorized to be
stocked by organizational mainten-
ance. This quantity is based on past
experience with similar items and the
latest mortality data for 350 hours
operation per year. It is the average
required to provide one
prescribed load for 15 and/or 6-10
items of equipment, for a 15-day pe-
riod under average combat condit-
Note. Combat essential items which must
be stocked or on order at organizational
maintenance at all times, regardless of de-
mand, will be identified in the allowance
column by a quantity in parentheses.
The quantity of repair pants author-
ized for stockage in accordance with
the number of prescribed loads au-
thorized by the major commander
are determined by using table 2.
Table 2 is a consolidation of items
quantitatively allocated in this man-
ual. Quantities listed are for one pre-
scribed load for a 15-day period. A
minimum stockage sufficient to repair
one item and/or assembly is author-
ized (e. g., if 3 belts are required,
then 3 belts are allocated as the mini-
mum stockage). This quantity will be
indicated in the minimum stockage
authorization column.
Units and organizations authorized
more than one prescribed load will
multiply the quantity listed in the ap-
propriate end item density spread col-
umn of 1-5 or 6-10 by the number of
prescribed loads.
When more than 10 equipments re-
quire support, multiply the quantity
listed in the 6-10 column by the num-
ber of equipments and the number of
authorized prescribed loads, divide by
10, and round to the nearest whole
AGO 10117A