CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-6675-243-15_21Figure 1. Surveying target light, front and top view, with shippng dimensionsFigure 2. Surveying target light, back and bottom view.CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSFigure 3. Controls and instruments.Figure 4. Target light operating instructions.Figure 5. Lamps, removal and installationFigure 6. Batteries, removed and installationSection iii. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-6675-243-15_29Figure 7. Front plate assembly, removal and installationFigure 8. Locking wedge, rheostat knob, lamp bracket, and contact strip, removal and installationFigure 9. Mirror, level retainer, and level, removal and instillation.Figure 10. Filter and contact assembly, removal and installationFigure 11. Rheostat, Removal and installation.Figure 12. Sight, removal and installationCHAPTER 4 DEMOLITION OF MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USECHAPTER 5 SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGECHAPTER 6 DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection Ill. SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTFigure 13. Front plate contacts, removal and installationFigure 14. Filter and contact aasembly contacts removal and installation.APPENDIX I REFERENCESAPPENDIX II BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTAPPENDIX III MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-6675-243-15_46Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - contAPPENDIX IV ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS LISTSRecoverability Code Table 2. Prescribed Load ListingDirect and General Support Maintenance 15-Da# Level.Depot Maintenance.DESCRIPTION - TM-5-6675-243-15_53DESCRIPTION - TM-5-6675-243-15_54DESCRIPTION - TM-5-6675-243-15_55Figure 15. case.Figure 16. Light, target surveying.Figure 17. PlateFigure 18. Bracket.Figure 19. Rheostat.Figure 20. Filter and contact.INDEX - TM-5-6675-243-15_62