a. The operation of the internal equipment is performed within environ-
mentally controlled conditions; however, the main power supply cable
and ground cable, in extreme cold, will become hard, brittle, and
difficult to handle.
Be careful when handling the cables when con-
necting them to the van body so that kinks and unnecessary loops
will not result in permanent damage.
b. Make certain that connections and cable receptacles on the outside
of the van body are free of frost, snow, and ice.
c. When van body heaters are not operating or when van body is being
transported, liquid consumable supplies may freeze, break their con-
tainers, then melt, and ruin equipment or documents.
d. Drain water tank any time the heaters are inoperative or power loss
is expected. OPERATION IN EXTREME HEAT. The operation of the internal equipment is
performed within environmentally controlled conditions; however, during transporta-
tion or when air-conditioning units are not operating, consumable supplies may suf-
fer reduced shelf life and internal components may have accelerated deterioration of
gaskets, seals, or insulation. OPERATION IN TROPICAL CONDITIONS.
Fungi, mildew, or mold will form on
and in equipment, documents, and supplies if internal environmental control equip-
ment is not operating and outside heat and humidity are allowed to enter the van
body . OPERATION IN DESERT CONDITIONS. Dust, grit, and sand will ruin sup-
plies, equipment, and documents.
Extreme care must be taken to prevent dust, grit,
and sand from entering into the van body.
Air filters will be changed whenever air-
flow is restricted, and cleaning of van body interior must be conducted more fre-
quently than specified by PMCS schedules. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.
There are no specific emergency procedures for
operation of the van body.
During power failures, manual operation of components
will require the crew to reference the appropriate equipment chapters to determine
if limitations are imposed on specific equipment.