TM 5-2330-305-14
1.3.1 MAIN FRAME ASSEMBLY A ladder-type, welded steel frame which forms the basic
structure of the chassis. The toolbox and spare tire carrier are bolted to the frame
rails. The suspension system is mounted under the rails and welded steel fenders
contain rock and mud guards. The pneumatic and electrical systems are mouted to
the frame at various points.
1.3.2 SUSPENSION SYSTEM. The tridem (3-axle) suspension consists of parallel
trailing arms to which the axle is bolted. Pneumatic air bags are connected between
the trailing arms and frame to cushion the load and maintain proper ride height.
Shock absorbers are mounted between frame and axle to provide better control over
rough roads by absorbing sudden shock.
1.3.3 BRAKE SYSTEM. Stops wheel rotation with internal expanding brake shoes.
A cam driven by the brake chamber through a linkage arrangement expands the shoes
against the drum. The brake chamber, utilizing pressure differentials, determines
the amount of force the cam applies to the shoes. An automatic slack adjuster
maintains proper linkage adjustment. The brake shoes are the riveted type and can
be refaced.