2-19.11 Replace Light Grid Assembly - Continued
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Loosen two socket-head capscrews and washers and remove
middle roller as an assembly from view stage. Attach to new
grid assembly.
Splice red wires from new grid assembly to exposed red wires
from defective assembly. Thread new wires to transformer
t e r m i n a l.
Desolder old wires from terminal and remove from splice.
Solder new wires to transfer terminal and remove tags.
Attach green wire to ground.
Ground ON/OFF switch to table chassis. Plug in power cord.
Turn main power switch ON.
Turn ON/OFF switch to ON. Check that grid assembly lights.
Turn main power switch to OFF. Unplug power cord.
Reinstall front plate and secure with six socket-head screws
and washers.
Reinstall ON/OFF switch assembly. Secure with four socket-
head screws.
Aline stage separation knob and view stage. Secure with
Reinstall stage separation plate, and secure with two screws.
Reinstall end plates and brackets. Secure to left view stage
with two screws. Secure to right view stage with three
R e i n s t a l l c e n t e r a c c u m u l a t o r r o l l e r.
Raise bottom plate, and secure with two knobs.
Reinstall film rollers. Secure with screw on end of each
f i l m r o l l e r .
Plug in power cord, and turn power ON.
A d j u s t l i g h t g r i d i n t e n s i t y ( p a r a 2 - 1 9 . 1 ).
Reinstall front cover on power panel and tighten two screws.
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C o l l i m a t e s p l i t - s t a g e l i g h t t a b l e ( p a r a 2 - 1 0 . 3 ).
2-73/(2-74 blank)