TM 5-6675-319-14
S l i g h t o u t - o f - f o c u s c o n d i t i o n i s r e q u i r e d s o t h a t d u s t , d i r t , o r i m p e r -
fections on CRT face are not projected on print.
(12) Close lower cabinet door.
(13) Unlatch and raise hood.
(14) Turn on MASTER POWER switch.
(15) Remove translucent material from print stage.
g . V a r i a b l e d o d g i n g.
One of the following variable dodging techniques may be
used when prints produced at maximum or 100-percent dodging are too flat and it is
not practical to print on a higher contrast paper:
(1) Set EXP LEVEL control by estimating negative midtone: 0.3 for thin
negative, 0.6 for negative with medium density, and 0.9 for dense negative .
A l t er
these settings as experience dictates.
Set % DODGING control as required for emul-
sion grade and density range.
Do not change exposure index if exposure is incorrect .
Set EXP LEVEL con-
t r o l t o l o w e r v a l u e s i f p r i n t s a r e d a r k o r t o h i g h e r v a l u e s i f p r i n t s a r e
l i g h t .
Density range of test prints increases as percent dodging is increased.
(2) Set EXP LEVEL control to 0.25 and % DODGING control to MIN. Select
emulsion and make print using step wedge as negative.
Adjust only EXP INDEX control
to increase or decrease densities or 0.25 exposure setting. Once satisfactory
EXPOSURE INDEX switch setting is obtained, make series of exposures at 25-, 50- and
75-percent and maximum dodging.
Exposure of 0.25 step should stay essentially con-
s t a n t f o r s e r i e s o f t e s t p r i n t s .